Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharist 8:00AM and 10:00AM

Resources for worship

Regular Service Schedule:

8:00 Rite II Eucharist Worship Service

10:00 Rite II Eucharist Worship Service


Office Hours:

Monday and Wednesday, 1:00PM - 3:00PM

Sunday January 15, Office closed for Martin Luther King Day


Live-streaming from Home

Click 10:00 Rite II Eucharist Worship Service to join our livestream services on Facebook

Friendly tips for on-line worship

Once you get to our Facebook page, our Livestream will appear in the right-hand column. If you have trouble finding the Livestream window, consult our Troubleshooting Guide. If you find the window and cannot connect, try several times. If it still doesn't work, please email us and let us know so that we can try and fix the problem.

Parish Weekly Update




Thank you for supporting St. Andrew's
in these challenging times!

New to St. Andrew's?

Please join us on Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00 or at our Wednesday Noon service for the warmest of welcomes.

We are an active congregation with many opportunities for education, service, and spiritual growth. Please look further on this website, and most important, visit us and see for yourself. Welcome!


As Jesus said to Andrew, and then Andrew said to his brother Simon: “Come and see!” (John 1:39)